Mac Os X Lion 10.7.5 Vmware Image Download Updated

Mac Os X Lion 10.7.5 Vmware Image Download

This guide is function of our Mac on Windows series. In this article, we will talk well-nigh working pre-installed VMware epitome of Mac Os Ten King of beasts This VMDK file will piece of work on well-nigh of the Intel-based desktop or laptop computers with Windows 10/8.1 or Windows 7. Software update to the latest version of Lion OS X is possible.

This pre-installed epitome was created and uploaded by ZackehSoul. Though he used to exist active for while, now we can't find any trace of him. But the torrent file or the pre-installed image links are available on the internet.

Nosotros earlier published a guide virtually the fresh installation of Lion Os X on VMware, if you prefer to install the Bone from scratch, you tin try this method. This Mac OS X King of beasts x.7.iii pre-installed VMDK VMware image can be downloaded either from a torrent or direct file hosting site. I'm giving the exact download links (as requested by owner) which will open subsequently showing ads. Delight note that these methods are only for testing purpose.

Direct download links

How to Use Lion OS Ten ten.7 VMware Image on Windows 10

1) The download is having a set of required files with VMware disk (VMDK) and configuration (VMX) files. Information technology is compressed past the 7-aught utility and in exe file format. In case, your Windows Bone is not extracting the file, you tin can download the 7-nada utility from the official site hither.

Make sure that the destination is having plenty disk space to excerpt the files and apply the VM in future.

Extract the macOS 10.7. VMware image

2) We have to unlock the VMware workstation programme to host Mac OS X as a invitee virtual machine. We need to use 'VMware unlocker' for this purpose.

The aforementioned download folder is having VMware unlockers for several versions. Incase these patches do non work for the version yous have or you want to know more than about how to unlock VMware workstation, read this guide nearly VMware Unlocker on Windows

Once the patch is applied successfully, do check whether ' Apple tree Mac OS X ' OS type is appearing nether invitee Operating Systems.

iii) Also, your concrete reckoner must have VT  supported processor and it should be enabled on motherboard BIOS.

Read our guide well-nigh enabling and checking VT on Intel or AMD computers

If your physical computer is pretty old and not having VT support, then there is a patch bachelor to bypass VT cheque. So, VMware will not check the VT support for guest Operating systems. You lot will find VMware Unlocker – Hardware Virtualization Bypasser in this download. Mostly y'all will not need to utilize the bypasser since near of the contempo computers accept the virtualization supported processor.

iv) At present open up the pre-configured virtual machine file.

Become to 'File' on the menu and select Open, browse the Mac OS X Lion.vmx .

You tin can alter the virtual automobile settings before power it on. Increase the number of processors and RAM size based on your physical calculator chapters. I increased to 2 processors and 2GB of RAM. (I did this demonstration in 2012 🙂 )

Lion OS X VM settings

v) Power on the virtual motorcar. If all steps are correct ( specifically step ii and 3 ), you should be seeing the working Lion OS on VMware with your Windows 10 calculator.

first boot screen

Screen Resolution and Display Improvement

I exercise not understand the exact reason why the VMware tools is not installed on this prototype. Anyway, the darwin.iso file is included in this download. We can use this file to install VMware tools inside the Lion Os Ten invitee machine to get multiple brandish resolutions and improve performance.

I recommend taking a snapshot before proceeding farther steps.

Adhere the darwin.iso file to CD/DVD drive of working virtual car. The darwin.iso file is located under VMware Unlocker – Mac Os X Guest\VMware 8.ten Series\Tools in extracted location.

mount darwin file to VM

Once it is mounted inside guest OS automatically, execute the 'install VMware tools' file.

It volition ask for the password, the 'Lion user' password is nil ( blank countersign ).

Install Vmware tools

Restart the virtual motorcar once the installation completed. After reboot, you must be seeing the full/larger screen and several display screen resolutions.

Screen resolutions in Lion OS on VMware

Sound and Network

The sound and network worked out of the box, no additional settings required.

VMware Shared Folder

Later the VMware tools installation, we tin set up the VMware shared folders to share information betwixt host and guest Bone.

Steps are very similar to earlier Mac Os X guests, check our earlier guide.

Note: This guide was originally published and linked to the owner's site who created the pre-installed Panthera leo OS VMware image torrent file. Since his website is not agile anymore, yous need to source for the image somewhere. Brand sure you download it from reliable sources. Any pre-installed macOS image volition have this identical steps to employ on Windows ten host computer.

Mac Os X Lion 10.7.5 Vmware Image Download

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