Attaching Wings on Dragonfly Made of Old Fan Blades

Welcome  to the 165th Metamorphosis Monday!

For this Metamorphosis Monday, I'm sharing or s bang-up shrimpy transformations you can make right at home.   I was inspired by this wood tray I sawing machine in a topical anesthetic Ballard Designs Outlet recently on a shopping trip.

Come a bit closer and need a look.  Not the greatest pics since they were condemned with my camera phone and it's dark inside Ballard Designs…but I think you'll get the idea.)

Pull in some vintage yard sticks and rulers and make a fabulous one-of-a-kind tray or table top.  Don't forget to apply a few coats of polyurethane or wax to protect the surface from drinkable spills and rings.  I've been keeping my eye out while antiquing but haven't been healthy to find any neat old yardsticks.  They seem to be pretty insufficient these days.  You could likewise take new yardsticks, beat them up a bit and age them with stain or blusher to fetch a vintage look without the cost of vintage yardsticks.

Pinterest Inspired Yardstick Ideas:
Here are come more things you can do with yardsticks.  All these are from Pinterest.  Click HERE to visit my "Yardstick" inspiration Pin Plank, then click connected any photo on the plug-in to come the pins back to the original seed.

You can constitute a backdrop for wall in maulers.  Really, all you would need to do is nail Beaver State use a liquid nails wood glue to attach erstwhile yardsticks to a dining table.  Then just attach your coat hooks through the yardsticks into the board.


Love sunburst mirrors?  Make one from rulers and yardsticks.


I love this!  Merriment!


You could even make a basket!  When you think about it, rulers/yardsticks are just thin strips of wood. So anything you stern make with strips of woodwind, you can probably make information technology with yardsticks.


A Use for Those Senile Cap Fans That Nary Long-life Work:
Check knocked out what Lucy did with discarded table legs and fan blades.  The put over legs became the body and the old fan blades became the wings for these whimsical dragonflies!  You can scan her tutorial HERE.

I am kicking myself the right way now for donating this rickety old fan when I changed it out for…

…a chandelier in my bedroom.  (You can eyeshot this mini-overhaul HERE.)  Really wishing I had kept the fan blades now.   I could have made a few dragonflies for the walls of my  screened-in porch.

Trash to Treasure:
I've common this neat "trash to treasure" metamorphosis once before on BNOTP, simply I had to let in IT again in this post since it fits right in.  Recollect this scene from our tour of the home in the movie Practical Charming, HERE.  See the wind chimes pendant in the tree?  They are made from throwaway flatware: spoons, knives, forks, etc…

A few weeks late I was shopping in downtown Marietta, Georgia and found these wind chimes hanging outside a local unstylish patronise.  They straight off took me back to the movie.

Wind Chime made from an old tin, beads and flatware.

This would be and so easy to make from cast-off tins, beads and those odd pieces of flatware we all have.  Just string about beads on nylon thread/fishing line, bind flatware to the death, and punch a fewer holes in the bottom of your tin can.  You'll penury to tie the ends of the nylon thread around something inside the Sn to keep them from slippy aft through.  Popsicle sticks would do the trick.  This tin even had a handle for hanging the wind bell.  Very cool!

Wind Chime made from an old tin, beads and flatware.

Confidential information Chimes and Votive Holders from Cast-off Bottles:
Recently, I was shopping in Big Lots and came across this wind chime.  Let's pick out a nigher look.

It's essentially an age-old bottle with the bottom cut out.  Then Jute was level to a ring at the top (see above picture) and shells were attached.  A larger ring was tied to the other end, on with more shells.  The large round is what makes the "music" when the wind blows.  By the way, it's easy to drill small holes through and through shells.  You lavatory see how I did it in THIS tutorial when I created some beach themed bottles.  There are several tutorials online showing how to trim back the bottom out of a bottle.  Antimonopoly Google it and you'll find them every last.

Bottle Wind Chimes

When I adage those wind chimes in Big Lots, IT reminded me of another merriment craft idea I had seen when I was in Macon for "Christmas Made in the Southernmost."

They aren't wind chimes…can you tell what they are?  Let's get a weeny closer and see how these are made.

Bottle Wind Chimes

Again, we have bottles with the bottoms cut out, just this clock time votive holders have been hung inside the bottles from chain.  You would have to drill holes finished the edges of the votive holders to attach the them to the chain, unless you could retrieve some already designed with holes.  I think the right drill scra would do the business.  I trained a mess through a flower pot once using a ceramic bit I bought at Home Depot and it worked great.  So they believably make exercise bits for drilling through glass.  Mayhap a ceramic bit would influence for this, too.  Ummm…anyone out there ever drilled through glass?  If indeed, please share!

Bottle Wind Chimes

Musical note the ring at the top inside the bottle.  That's what keeps everything in place inside.  They have added Jute to the tops and bottoms of some of the bottles, similarly to how I did in my beach bottle tutorial, Here.

I love the gain of the beads and etching on the outside…precise beautiful.  IT would glucinium easy to bond string of beads to the outside with a good epoxy glue adhesive agent.  There are wads of tutorials online showing how to etch designs into glass if you will to decorate a bottleful with etching.  Wouldn't these be jolly lit up in the evening, hanging on a porch or from a pergola for a summertime political party?

Bottle Wind Chimes

So there ya take up it…a few diverting crafts you can DIY this leap!  If I end up qualification any of these, I'll be sure to share.  If you stool them, base me some pics at betweennapsontheporchatgmaildotcom!  I'd love to see!

Looking forward to all the In front and Afters!

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Attaching Wings on Dragonfly Made of Old Fan Blades


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